Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Sprint #4 Delivery, Asset/Feature Complete

    This sprint's focus was to get every asset into engine and functional. As such, all of Victor's animations are in engine at a rough level waiting to be cleaned up and finalized. The Robot's animations are in and key posed to interact with Victor in the endings. All of which are playing correctly when they are needed to play. I can't seem to figure out timing issues - VR seems to delay differently than non VR and I'm unsure of how to fix it.

    Adjusted heads to no longer glow before they are interactable
    Sound and animation retiming
    Edited robot bad animation
    Edited Victor animation during ending start to not run through the far wall (the table will need to be adjusted to give him room to move

Exaggeration Animation

Pass 8: Adjustments to the flip and timing of the ball returning.

Pass 7: Added some squash and stretch to the ball and adjusted flip timing and hitting the ground.

Pass 6: Adjusted Scout's position before the swing to better reflect hitting the ball forward.

Pass 5: Minor adjustments to timing and positioning.

Pass 4: I decided to add a flip to better sell the exaggeration of the assignment. I also adjusted the background to be less saturated.

Pass 3: This week I aimed to convert the stepped animation to splined. Industry review is coming up this week, and I want to show this in that.

Pass 2: Focused on adding more breakdowns and movement. The flip at the end is going to need more attention before I can spline the animation to make it smoother. Capstone Vertical Slice was this week, so there wasn't much improvement from the first.

Pass 1: I want to try to start my animation process like 2D animators do -- with key frames and breakdowns rather than the individual joint key framing I have been doing. That way, I can control individual poses much easier.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sprint #3 Delivery, Sound & VFX

This sprint was focusing on sound and visual effects, though since we had most of them already laid out, I set to work on getting mocap into engine among other tweaks and adjustments.


    Made the body parts move on a conveyor belt when the print button is pressed

    Adjusted button layout to open after beginning dialogue and to make it easier to understand

    Moved heads away from player until arms and legs are attached

    Added and retimed Victor's mocap into the experience

    Made a fast forward button affect global speed to quicken the repetitiveness in multiple playthroughs

    Fitted the text properly on the subtitle tablet

    Created a trash can to get rid of unwanted arms and legs

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Sprint #2 Delivery, Beginning/Middle/End Part II

     This week we focused on finishing the beginning, middle, and end of the experience. You begin with the radio giving a bit of exposition, then Victor responding to your arrival. Then the middle section it creating the robot. Then the ending is watching one of the 3 endings play out (Victor will be Mocapped this week, thus he does not sync up with the animation yet)


    Adjusting animation key poses for the robot's endings

    Setting up an appointment to record Mocap for Victor

    The Ending Credits Menu

Final Delivery

 Contributions     Fixed conveyor parts     Fixed screen on buttons     Finalized bad animation