Fixed conveyor parts
Fixed screen on buttons
Finalized bad animation
Imported low poly Victor model
Moved ending room
Changed font colors on credits
Flickered camera on robot jump
Fixed parts on printer being too high
More polish on bad ending animation
Created leaver pull animation
Helped implement screens
Added a wrench to Victor's hand
Hand pose passes on Victor
Cleaned robot chest skin weighting
Adjusted robot resting pose to not break arm
Fixed material on printed parts
Updated robot bad ending animation
Better timed bad ending animations
Fixed radio physically breaking
*note - the video is not the current of the sprint, but has all of my contributions (I just wanted to record earlier before others put their contributions in)
Disabled sound of red light on endings
Targeted Victor and robot to look/aim at player's head when needed
Faded ending on good ending
Imported low poly bad legs
Imported low poly torso
Prepared new control panel geo for integration
Victor Bad Ending time adjustment
Polished animations :
Victor's opening idle animation
Victor's opening scene animation
Victor's mumble animations (3 of them)
Victor Ending Start animation
Victor Turn and Idle animation
Modified arm pose on conveyor belt
Added flip open panel to replicator door that closes after grabbing a part
Fixed robot not aiming at player on bad ending
Added a proxy lever instead of the generator button
Better paired Victor and Robot animations in bad ending
Tweaked Beginning Victor animation preparing to clean it up
Pass 3: All in spline pass. Looking forward, I need to "follow the line of action" as well as clean up the keyframes for easier editing.
Pass 2: Got half way through the spline pass. Not to my surprise, I had a lot of rotation issues (gimble locks).
Pass 1: This is designed to have 2 people interacting, so what better way than to have 2 characters fighting each other! I'm pretty excited about this animation. Blocking it in was all right, but I believe I have too many and the multiple flips are going to be troublesome later. How bad can that be..?